Friday 26 April 2013

Evaluation Question 4

I chose to answer this question through a blog post on Blogger as I felt it was most appropriate and allowed me to use both text and images in order to detail how and what technology I used in the creating of my products. It also allows you to incorporate several different media platforms and bring them all together on one page for example I have used it to put on power points, prezis, videos and images along with several other things. 

I used Microsoft Word in order to type things before they were put on my blog to check for spelling errors. It also allowed me to create a first draft before entering it to my blog. 

I used Youtube both to view videos as part of my research in to other teaser trailers of a similar genre of my own, meaning I could deconstruct them. I also used Youtube to upload my final trailer and my rough cut both of which could the be uploaded to my Blog. 

I used Premier Pro for the main product. This was because it was the main programme to use to edit all the clips I had filmed together. It allowed me to incorporate video and sound and to edit the audio, for example,  fading the music out using key points in order to match with the speech, or alternatively raising the levels of speech so they could be heard over the sound track. It also enabled me to add in the title cards I had created using Adobe After Effects and place them in my clip.  

I used Survey Monkey for audience feedback in the planning stage of my trailer . This allowed me to see what my target audience expected to see in a trailer, so I could then target their needs within my main product. This would allow me to then make any changes appropriately in order to maximise the success of my product. 

 I used Prezi to answer the first question in my evaluation. This was because I felt it was an effective way of presenting
and  looks more professional than presentational devices such as Powerpoint. It also created a variation in the way my evaluation was presented. Prezi allowed me to to animate my work it. also allowed me to upload images and videos which related to my evaluation onto the presentation. This gave my work another dimension but also allowed me to explain and demonstrate what I talked about in the slides.

I used Animoto to present the third question of my evaluation.  This program allows the placing of  pictures and text in to a set theme which is then animated in order to make it look more professional  I felt that again that Animoto allowed me to both show the graphs I had used in order to gain information for my audience research and then insert snippet of texts detailing what I did with the data I had obtained from the graphs.  

I used Photoshop to edit the images we had taken for our ancillary tasks. This was to make them stand out more and
catch the reader's eye. This also allowed me to make the colours on the strips stand out as this was an integral part of the storyline. Photoshop also facilitated the ability to manipulate text to again catch the reader's eye and maintain synergy across them through the urban feel of the texts. This meant that all products looked relatively professional. 

I used After Effects to create my institutional logos and my title cards, as I looked at several trailers and most institution logos in trailers tend to be animated, so in order to make my trailer look more professional I felt I should also use an animated institution logo. The title cards in trailers of a similar genre to my own also tend to be animated so I used After effect to animate them, then I imported them to Premier pro where it could be added in to my final trailer. 

I used Slideshare in order to place the presenations I had made using Microsoft Powerpoint on to Blogger and in to my blog by embedding the link given on slideshare. This was effective to show the planning I had done in terms of my research, planning and evaluation as it was an organised way to present my ideas and analysis of my product.

Evaluation Question 3

Make a video of your own at Animoto.
Try our video maker at Animoto.

Try our video maker at Animoto.
You might have to pause on the text bits of the video as they are only on for a short period of time as I only have the free trial

Evaluation Question 2

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Audience Feedback


This Graph shows that my trailer would attract predominantly a male audience however I plan to attract both gender audiences in order to my maximise my trailer's success.

This shows that my Trailer should be aimed at people from ages 15 to 25 in order to attract the widest potential audience. 

This shows that the majority of the audience I asked prefer an action/ crime genre of film this suggests that this may be the best genre to choose for my trailer.