Thursday 12 July 2012


For my A2 coursework I plan to create a promotion package for a new film, which includes a teaser trailer, a magazine front cover featuring the film and a poster to promote the film. I felt that the experiences I gained from AS year meant that this task played to my strengths. Last year I used Photoshop to create a magazine this helped develop my Photoshop knowledge which stands me in good stead for the tasks this year. The genres I have chosen are gangster, action, war and hooliganism because they all link in with the trailer I am planning to create. As well as generic conventions, I will also be looking at the iconography and narrative strands in the different genres. A generic convention is a feature of a film that the audience expect to happen, it is part of the repertoire of elements for that genre. For example, in an action film, the audience expect dramatic storylines and larger than life characters. Iconography can be defined as objects, settings  or image representations that are associated with a specific type of genre. For example, the iconography in Westerns may include cowboy hats, saloons, guns and horses, however in my film the iconography will be elements such as football strips, stadiums and clothing suggesting team allegiance.