Friday 25 January 2013

Planning The Music For My Trailer

I listened to several different styles and genres of music in order to find the right one for my trailer as I feel it can be a vital part of a trailer. I wanted the song to start off relatively slow paced and build up to be quite fast paced towards the end, with quite long instrumental parts which would reflect the overall mood of the trailer. I narrowed this down to a few ideas.

I chose this song Diary Of Jane by Breaking Benjamin as it has a quite slow paced but long instrumental start which can be used for the narrative part of the trailer, it then quickens pace which can show the more violent parts of the trailer.

I chose this dubstep instrumental as I feel it suits the mood and feeling of the trailer and as it's all instrumental which allows the words spoken by the characters to be clearly heard meaning the narrative of the trailer can be clearly conveyed to the audience.

This song Not Afraid By Eminem also has quite long instrumental aspects to it bu the Rap in it also gives it some what of an urban gritty feel which fits in with the genre and style of my film.

This song is an instrumental version of Sing For The Moment By Eminem. It is quite slow paced emotional music which I plan to use at the start of my trailer. It is also useful to build up to the action parts towards the end of the trailer.

This Song is Underdog by Kasabian which I plan to use in the fight sections of my trailer as it is quite high tempo which would relate to what audiences would see on the screen.

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